
DRI, BCLE Business Continuity Planning Accelerated Course

Association of Legal Administrators, Essential Competencies for Legal Administrators certification program

University of the Arts, B.F.A.


Collaboratively with outside contractors, vendors, other firm administrators and DRM attorneys and staff, Heidi:

  • Project-managed site construction and content migration/development/testing for the redevelopment of the firm’s website in WordPress in 2021
  • Facilitated fit-up and relocation of the firm’s Brattleboro office to a 4000 sq ft suite in the historic Brooks House (2020-2021)
  • Coordinated the firm’s COVID response in terms of facility preparedness and management of health officers (2020-2021)
  • Project-managed re-development of the firm’s intranet on a SharePoint platform; continue to serve as administrator and lead content developer (2020)
  • Facilitated fit-up and sublet of one floor (4325 sq ft) of the St. Johnsbury office facility (2019)
  • Facilitated fit-up and relocation of the firm’s Lebanon office from a historic building to 6000 sq ft. contemporary suite at the Gateway One facility on Etna Road (2017)
  • Coordinated numerous client events, receptions, seminars and open houses at public venues and at the firm’s offices
  • Project managed the design and build of the Traumatic Brain Injury blog in WordPress; continue to serve as administrator
  • Designed and project-managed the fit-up of a 1560 sq ft suite in the firm’s Burlington office for the technology group (2011)
  • Facilitated cosmetic improvements to approximately 20,000 sq ft of fully occupied office space in the firm’s Burlington office (2008)
  • Project-managed site construction and content development/posting for the 3rd generation of the firm’s website in 2007; managed the maintenance and development of the site until 2013.
  • Facilitated renovation of the reception area and conference facilities within the firm’s flagship office at Courthouse Plaza in Burlington (2007)
  • Facilitated the fit-up and occupancy of 5300 sq ft of additional office space on the 4th floor of the firm’s Burlington office (2006)
  • Facilitated fit-up and relocation of the firm’s Brattleboro office from a historic building to 7000 sq ft. contemporary space at the Marlboro College Technology Center (2005)
  • Internally project-managed a major renovation of the firm’s historic and fully occupied St. Johnsbury office; relocated a practice team to a facility in Montpelier for an interim period. (2000)

Memberships & Activities

Legal Marketing Association

Disaster Recovery Institute International (DRII)

Community Involvement

Commodore, Memphremagog Yacht Club

Certified Vermont beekeeper

Member, Vermont Beekeepers Association Beekeeper Certification Working Group